Sponsorship Opportunities  

The Alaska Resources Conference provides timely updates on new opportunities, projects and prospects, addresses key state and federal public policy issues, and features the latest forecasts and updates on Alaska’s resource development industries. The over 800 attendees will include decision-makers from across all resource industries, support sectors, Native corporations, federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as educators and students.

We are looking to our supporters to fund the mission by sponsoring and participating in this annual event. Thank you to all sponsors who opted in for the one-invoice plan earlier this year, as well as the companies that have already chosen to sponsor at the same level as previous years. Your participation in this event supports vital advocacy work and demonstrates your commitment to grow Alaska through responsible resource development.

Your sponsorship dollars stay right here in Alaska. RDC puts them to work for its members to influence and shape state and federal public policy, encourage investment in Alaska, and grow the economy through responsible resource development. Your generous sponsorship sustains RDC and its work on issues important to you and your business.

Sponsors: If your company has sponsored already, an email with additional information will be sent to your company contact. 



 Specialty Sponsorships  
Please contact [email protected] for the Emerging Leaders Opening Reception Sponsorship and/or 
the Morning Break Specialty Sponsorships.

Thank you for your support and participation!
Your generous sponsorship sustains RDC and its work on issues important to you and your business. 

Please note:  This event may be recorded using audio, video and/or photography.  By registering, you consent to being recorded/photographed and RDC reserves the right to use any recording/video/photography taken at its event without express written permission of those in attendance.