
Comment Letter: Ambler Final SEIS letter to Seve Cohn, BLM

Comment Letter: Support Letter for Manh Choh Project to SFIN

Comment Letter: BLM Revised Sec. 106 APE for Ambler Mining District

Amicus Brief: Coalition in Support of State of Alaska v. United States (challenging EPA 404c Veto)

Comment Letter: Ambler District Industrial Access Project SEIS

Coalition Letter: EPA 404(c) Proposed Determination

Comment Letter: EPA 404(c) Proposed Determination on Pebble

Comment Letter: Donlin Gold Preliminary Decision for ADL 236624

Comment Letter: Donlin Gold Preliminary Decision on EV 3-244


For past comments click here



 Oil and gas

Comment Letter: Oppose BLM NPR-A Special Areas RFI

Action Alert:  Oppose NPR-A Management & Protection Rule

Testimony: Support Willow DSEIS

Comment Letter: AKLNG DSEIS

Comment Letter: Willow DSEIS Comments

Comment Letter: Willow SEIS Scoping Comments

Comment Letter: DEIS for the proposed Cook Inlet OCS Lease Sale 258


 For past comments click here





Coalition Letter: AK Roadless Rule Coalition Letter

Comment Letter: Repeal of Roadless Rule FS-2021-0007-0006

Comment Letter: Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy

Comment Letter: Proposed revisions to NPS regulations related to Sturgeon v. Frost

Comment Letter: Objection to the Chugach National Forest Land Management Plan


 For past comments click here 





Comment Letter: Letter to EPA  Admin. Regan on Seward Shore Power Project Grant 

Joint LetterLetter to Sec. Haaland on Denali National Park

Comment Letter: Support Alaska Tourism Recovery Act

Joint Letter: Return to Cruising Letter

Comment Letter: Request for Temporary PVSA Waiver

Comment Letter: Draft Vessel Wastewater Discharge Permit


 For past comments click here





Comment Letter: Gulf of Alaska Chinook Salmon ESA to NMFS

Comment Letter: Dutch Harbor PIDP Grant Funding Letter to USDOT

Coalition Letter: National Ocean Policy Coalition Letter to President Biden

Coalition Letter: National Ocean Policy Coalition Letter to President-Elect Biden 

Comment Letter: Proposed CH designation for Humpback Whales

Comment Letter: Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Draft Recovery Plan

Comment Letter: Central North Pacific humpback whale DPS and delisting


For past comments click here 






Comment Letter: AKDOT&PF West Susitna Access Project NEPA Scoping Period

Comment Letter: AKDOT&PF RAISE Alaska Highway Grant Funding

Testimony: AIDEA Board Meeting

Comment Letter: Port of Alaska Improvements to Assistant Secretary Connor

Coalition Letter: DOI America The Beautiful Atlas RFI

Comment Letter: WA Legislature House Bill 2119 Export Fuel Tax


For past comments click here