Photo courtesy Judy Patrick Photography

Scott Habberstad, President
Joe Balash, Sr. Vice President
Christy Resler, Vice President
Casey Sullivan, Secretary
Sam Mazzeo, Treasurer
Immediate Past President, Lance Miller

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski
U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan
U.S. Representative Mary Peltola

Governor Michael J. Dunleavy




Anna Atchison
Kinross Alaska, Fairbanks

Keriann Baker
Homer Electric Association, Homer

Joe Balash
Santos, Anchorage

DJ Fauske
North Slope Borough, Anchorage

Eric Fjelstad
Perkins Coie, LLC, Anchorage

Scott Habberstad
Alaska Airlines, Anchorage

Mandy Hawes
Aleut Corporation, Girdwood

Dave Karp
Saltchuk, Anchorage

Rochelle Lindley
Coeur Alaska - Kensington Mine, Juneau

Wendy Lindskoog
Unaffiliated, Anchorage

Thomas Mack
The Eyak Corporation, Anchorage

Sam Mazzeo
Wells Fargo, Anchorage

Lance Miller
NANA, Anchorage

Kara Moriarty
Alaska Oil & Gas Association, Anchorage

Christy Resler
ASRC Energy Services, Anchorage

Ralph Samuels
Holland America Line, Anchorage

Mike Satre
Hecla Greens Creek Mining Company, Juneau

Greta Schuerch
Teck Alaska, Anchorage

John Shively
Pebble Partnership, Anchorage

Lorali Simon
Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc., Palmer

Casey Sullivan
Marathon Petroleum, Anchorage

Tara Sweeney 

Sinclair Wilt
Westward Seafoods, Anchorage




Alicia Amberg
Associated General Contractors of Alaska, Anchorage

Greg Baker
Westward Fishing Company, Seattle

Greg Beischer
Alaska Energy Metals, Anchorage

Genevieve Bell
Flowline Alaska, Fairbanks

Patrick Bergt
Alaska Communications, Anchorage

Ethan Berto
Cruise Lines Agency of Alaska, Ketchikan

Jack Blackwell
Chugach Alaska Corporation, Anchorage

Eric Cannon
Geologist, Anchorage

Patrick Carter
The Carter Company, Anchorage

David Chaput
AFC: Alaska Frontier Constructors, Anchorage

Ivan Clark
SRK Consulting (U.S.), Anchorage

Steve Cooper
ENSTAR Natural Gas Co., Anchorage

Kelly Droop
Pape Kenworth, Anchorage

Michelle Egan
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Anchorage

Matt Emerson
RESPEC, Anchorage

Dylan Faber
Matson, Anchorage

Mike Ferris
Alaska Enterprise Solutions, Anchorage

Patrick FitzGerald
Teamsters Local 959, Anchorage

Paul Friese
Lynden, Anchorage

Kaleb Froelich
Ambler Metals, Anchorage

Stephen Grabacki
GRAYSTAR Pacific Inc., Anchorage

Karl Hanneman
Tower Hill Mines, Fairbanks

Shalon Harrington
Cook Inlet Region Inc., Anchorage

Chuck Heath
Hawk Consultants, Anchorage

Jim Hill
All Pro Alaska Toyota, Anchorage

Jacob Howdeshell
Alaska Laborers, Fairbanks

Mike Jungreis
Reeves Amodio LLC, Anchorage

Anna Kohl
HDR Inc., Anchorage

Jaeleen Kookesh
Van Ness Feldman, Juneau

Jesse Kreger
Koniag, Juneau

Francis LaChapelle
MTA, Palmer

Tom Lovas
Energy & Resource Economics, Anchorage

Wendie MacNaughton
Northern Star Resources Limited, Fairbanks

Tom Maloney
Unaffiliated, Anchorage 

Shannon Martin
Kenai River Sport Fishing Association, Soldotna

Jamie Marunde
Tyonek Native Corporation, Anchorage

Karen Matthias
Alaska Metal Mines, Anchorage

Joey Merrick
Alaska Laborers Union, Anchorage

Hans Neidig
ExxonMobil, Anchorage

Joe Nelson
Sealaska, Juneau

Krystal Nelson
Bering Straits Native Corporation, Anchorage

Sarah Obed
Doyon, Ltd., Fairbanks

Lisa Parker
Parker Horn Company, Soldotna

Judy Patrick
Judy Patrick Photography, Wasilla

Mike Schaffner
Graphite One (Alaska) Inc., Anchorage

Ben Schulman
Northrim Bank, Anchorage

Jim Shine
Holland & Hart LLP, Anchorage

Kyle Smith
Eklutna, Inc., Anchorage

Chad Steadman
First National Bank Alaska, Anchorage

Brady Strahl
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, Anchorage

 John Sturgeon

Koncor Forest Products, Anchorage

Christy Terry
Alaska Railroad Corporation, Anchorage

Kristina Woolston
Old Harbor Native Corporation, Anchorage

Caitlin Yeager
At-Sea Processors Association, Seattle