Alicia Amberg Associated General Contractors of Alaska, Anchorage
Greg Baker Westward Fishing Company, Seattle
Greg Beischer Alaska Energy Metals, Anchorage
Genevieve Bell Flowline Alaska, Fairbanks
Patrick Bergt Alaska Communications, Anchorage
Ethan Berto Cruise Lines Agency of Alaska, Ketchikan
Jack Blackwell Chugach Alaska Corporation, Anchorage
Eric Cannon Geologist, Anchorage
Patrick Carter The Carter Company, Anchorage
David Chaput AFC: Alaska Frontier Constructors, Anchorage
Ivan Clark SRK Consulting (U.S.), Anchorage
Steve Cooper ENSTAR Natural Gas Co., Anchorage
Kelly Droop Pape Kenworth, Anchorage
Michelle Egan Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Anchorage
Matt Emerson RESPEC, Anchorage
Dylan Faber Matson, Anchorage
Mike Ferris Alaska Enterprise Solutions, Anchorage
Patrick FitzGerald Teamsters Local 959, Anchorage
Paul Friese Lynden, Anchorage
Kaleb Froelich Ambler Metals, Anchorage
Stephen Grabacki GRAYSTAR Pacific Inc., Anchorage
Karl Hanneman Tower Hill Mines, Fairbanks
Shalon Harrington Cook Inlet Region Inc., Anchorage
Chuck Heath Hawk Consultants, Anchorage
Jim Hill All Pro Alaska Toyota, Anchorage
Jacob Howdeshell Alaska Laborers, Fairbanks
Mike Jungreis Reeves Amodio LLC, Anchorage
Anna Kohl HDR Inc., Anchorage
Jaeleen Kookesh Van Ness Feldman, Juneau
Jesse Kreger Koniag, Juneau
Francis LaChapelle MTA, Palmer
Tom Lovas Energy & Resource Economics, Anchorage
Wendie MacNaughton Northern Star Resources Limited, Fairbanks
Tom Maloney Unaffiliated, Anchorage
Shannon Martin Kenai River Sport Fishing Association, Soldotna
Jamie Marunde Tyonek Native Corporation, Anchorage
Karen Matthias Alaska Metal Mines, Anchorage
Joey Merrick Alaska Laborers Union, Anchorage
Hans Neidig ExxonMobil, Anchorage
Joe Nelson Sealaska, Juneau
Krystal Nelson Bering Straits Native Corporation, Anchorage
Sarah Obed Doyon, Ltd., Fairbanks
Lisa Parker Parker Horn Company, Soldotna
Judy Patrick Judy Patrick Photography, Wasilla
Mike Schaffner Graphite One (Alaska) Inc., Anchorage
Ben Schulman Northrim Bank, Anchorage
Jim Shine Holland & Hart LLP, Anchorage
Kyle Smith Eklutna, Inc., Anchorage
Chad Steadman First National Bank Alaska, Anchorage
Brady Strahl Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, Anchorage
John Sturgeon
Koncor Forest Products, Anchorage
Christy Terry Alaska Railroad Corporation, Anchorage
Kristina Woolston Old Harbor Native Corporation, Anchorage
Caitlin Yeager At-Sea Processors Association, Seattle