March 9, 2016

The Honorable Charlotte Brower, Mayor

North Slope Borough
Box 69
Barrow, AK 99723

Re: Alaska Frontier Constructors material site proposal

Dear Mayor Brower:

The Resource Development Council (RDC) is writing to support Alaska Frontier Constructors’ (AFC) proposal to extract gravel from the Sag River floodplain to provide cost-effective material to upgrade roads and pads in the Deadhorse area. The proposal was submitted to the U.S. Corps of Engineers on March 9, 2015. In addition, AFC submitted the proposal and application to the State of Alaska, including the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Water and the Department of Fish and Game.

 RDC is a statewide business association comprised of individuals and companies from Alaska’s oil and gas, mining, forest products, tourism and fisheries industries. RDC’s membership includes Alaska Native Corporations, local communities, organized labor, and industry support firms. RDC’s purpose is to encourage a strong, diversified private sector in Alaska and expand the state’s economic base through the responsible development of our natural resources.

The material site, which is close to Deadhorse, has high-quality gravel. There is no overburden to remove and reclamation will leave over-wintering fish habitat. In addition, reclamation will provide a secondary water source for Deadhorse.

Many of RDC’s members have operations in Deadhorse and will benefit from a nearby, high-quality material site, including efficiencies in the operation and inexpensive gravel, resulting in major reductions in overall costs.

RDC requests the North Slope Borough’s support of this project, or at a minimum, a letter of non-objection.


Resource Development Council for Alaska, Inc