RDC Joint Industry Letter

On November 15, 2024, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service opened public comment on the Draft Supplemental Impact Statement (SEIS) for a potential land exchange between the King Cove Corporation and the U.S. Government to allow the King Cove Corporation to build a road between King Cove and the nearby Cold Bay airport through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. This has been a decades-long effort by the community of King Cove to gain access to the Cold Bay airport to provide public health, access to medical care, and essential services, especially during emergencies when air and sea travel is hazardous or impossible. Since 2013, King Cove has been forced to endure over 257 medevacs. Most occurred in dangerous weather conditions, and many had to be carried out by the U.S. Coast Guard, risking the lives of crews and patients alike.

RDC’s Position: We request you consider providing comments in support of Alternative Solution #6 in the Draft SEIS, which would opt to execute the proposed land exchange described above that would facilitate the construction of a noncommercial, single-lane gravel road connecting King Cove to Cold Bay through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.

For over a decade, RDC has consistently advocated for a road link between King Cove and Cold Bay. RDC strongly believes that a road corridor from King Cove to the all-weather airport at Cold Bay is in the public interest. In our view, this is a public safety and human rights issue, which should be given the highest priority.

Background: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has evaluated six alternatives regarding the proposed land exchange and road construction between King Cove and Cold Bay, Alaska. These alternatives are detailed in the 2013 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the 2024 Draft SEIS. Alternative Solutions 1-5 have varying issues including limiting access to medical facilities during adverse weather conditions, greater impacts to designated wilderness areas, and cost and reliability challenges. Only Alternative Solution #6 provides an appropriate balance between community needs and conservation efforts. The USFWS Draft SEIS can be found here:

The Trump Administration’s Executive Order (EO) 14153, Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary Resource Potential, cites that “the Secretary of the Interior shall exercise all lawful authority and discretion available to him and take all necessary steps to […] facilitate the expedited development of a road corridor between the community of King Cove and the all-weather airport located in Cold Bay”. It is still unclear how this EO will affect this SEIS process, but it may be worth noting in any planned comments that this is the position of the current administration.

More Info Links:

How to Submit Comments: Comments are open until February 13, 2025.

  1. Online: Visit and enter FWS-R7-NWRS-2023-0072-7708 into the search box. Or go to this link: Notice of Availability; Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for a Potential Land Exchange Involving Izembek National Wildlife Refuge Lands; Public Meetings
  • Click on the proposed rule titled “Notice of Availability; Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for a Potential Land Exchange Involving Izembek National Wildlife Refuge Lands; Public Meetings” then click on the “Comment” icon underneath the title, complete the required fields, and enter or attach your comments.

Points to Address in Your Comments:

  • Improved Emergency Access: Constructing the road would enhance emergency access for the residents of King Cove, who currently rely on limited and weather-dependent transportation options, such as small planes or boats. Previously explored alternative options, including procuring a hovercraft for King Cove to medevac residents over the water to Cold Bay, proved unfeasible and unreliable.
  • Increased Public Safety: This road would significantly improve public safety in the region. The remote location, challenging weather, and limited transportation options create unacceptable risks for King Cove residents. A road connection would allow faster response times from emergency services, law enforcement, and fire departments, improving overall safety.
  • Environmental Mitigation: This project can be carried out with minimal environmental impact. Modern construction techniques and mitigation measures can be employed to protect the sensitive ecosystem of the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. Construction can be designed to avoid and mitigate significant environmental harm while preserving wetlands, critical habitats, and biodiversity.

Thank you for your participation